How do you know if your dog is in pain?

Many people do not realize the signs that their dog can display when they are in pain. There are a few common signs and symptoms that you should look out for when you are around your pup in order to allow them to live their best life. To start, what is pain? According to John Hopkins Medicine, “pain is an uncomfortable feeling that tells you something may be wrong”.

Pain can come in a variety of ways. It can come acutely, where your dog may have been playing out in the yard and suddenly you notice a subtle limp as well as activity avoidance. There could be injury to the bone, ligaments, tendons, or muscles. Acute pain can also come post-op from surgical treatment of Intervertebral disk disease (IVDD) or Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO). Pain can also come chronically. Maybe your dog is 10 years old and over the last few years, you have noticed walking, sitting, and standing have become more difficult. Based off age alone, this dog may have been going through the process of arthritis where its joints are inflamed and painful which can be a normal but painful process of aging in your pup.

What signs or symptoms should I look out for when it comes to my pup? Here are a few key things to monitor:

1.)    Loss of appetite.

2.)    Loss of movement or Lameness: limping or change in walking pattern.

3.)    Loss of enjoyment of normal activities that caused joy.

4.)    Your dog has become more vocal than before (yelping, barking, increased breathing/panting)

5.)    Growling or showing teeth.

6.)    Warmth, swelling, or redness of an area.

7.)    Visible injury such as a compound fracture.

8.)    Postural changes such as a hunched or rounded back.

9.)    Excessive licking or biting of a body part.

If your dog is showing any signs of pain, consult your local veterinarian and/or inquire to see if canine rehabilitation will benefit your dog. Conservative treatment such as physical therapy for your dog can help tremendously at improving your dog’s quality of life and extend their happiness. Top Dog Canine Rehabilitation is a mobile canine rehab clinic that comes to your home to help your dog live their best life. Please contact us and we can evaluate your dog to see if they would benefit from rehab.